The study have proposed Adaptive Port Planning (APP) to be implemented in Casablanca\nPort according to regulate manner operation with a framework, an approach that bridges the\ngaps in the traditional practices of port planning by incorporating uncertainty and flexibility\nconsiderations. It provides a framework for the planner to generate plausible alternatives in\nthe context of this planning objectives and definition of success; identify critical uncertainties\n(vulnerabilities and opportunities); and then, to explore, value, and incorporate flexibilities\nfor handling these uncertainties. Then, actions can be taken either in the planning stage, or\nactions can be prepared in advance, and taken as events occur. Next, the planner evaluates the\nalternatives and makes a choice; the value of flexibility is included in his evaluation. During\nthe implementation phase, actions are taken in response to triggers from a monitoring system\nset up for the selected alternative (which monitors the external environment for new\ndevelopments and alerts planners of the need to modify or reassess the plan).